I am a cat-lover and my last name is Katz. I have
two spoiled cats who
run my house. Of course, I could not resist these
two poems.
Julia loves her Rosalie.
Rosalie the cat.
Julia pets her nosealie.
Soft, disdainful Rosalie.
Steps upon her toesalie
pulls her tail and
Julia has a scratch.
While Roalie guileless
and practically smileless
suns quietly, sly on her
Cats take naps
from dawn to dawn.
They nap on anything
they're on,
a pillow
antique chair
or lawn.
And when their need
to nap is gone,
they stretch
and yawn
and look around for
something else
it might be nice
to nap upon.
Both poems taken from MOON, HAVE YOU MET MY MOTHER?, HarperCollins,
2003, pp. 19 and 24.
Extension: a) Ask students to tell stories about
their cats related to the poems. For example, one of my cats naps on the newspaper while I am reading it.
b) Ask students to research cats and their habits, such as sleeping. Report back to the class. c) Read other
poems with made-up words. One that comes to mind is Hello,
My Name is Dracula in LAUGH-ETERIA by Douglas Florian.