Children's Poetry
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Poetry Break # 3


Poetry Break # 3

Song Lyrics


These lyrics were written by Raffi, one of my favorite children's singers and song writers. Many school-aged children are familiar with his songs, which overflow with energy and positive vibrations.


All I Really Need



All I really need is a song in my heart,

Food in my belly, and love in my family.

All I really need is a song in my heart,

And love in my family.


And I need the rain to fall,

And I need the sun to shine

To give life to the seeds we sow

To give the food we need to grow.

All I really need is a song in my heart,

And love in my family.



All I really need is a song in my heart,

Food in my belly, and love in my family.

All I really need is a song in my heart,

And love in my family.


And I need some clean water for drinkin',

And I need some clean air for breathin'

So that I can grow up strong

And take my place where I belong.

All I really need is a song in my heart

And love in my family.



All I really need is a song in my heart,

Food in my belly, and love in my family.

All I really need is a song in my heart,

And love in my family.


ALL I REALLY NEED by Raffi D. Pike, 1980


Extension:  a) Talk about the difference between need and  want. Ask children to list things they and others need for a quality life. Ask children to list things they want but do not need. Discuss if students could be happy without things on their want list. Read related stories or folktales about children who live simple but happy lives. b) Read a biography of Raffi. Explore other songs that he has written. Invite children to illustrate one of his songs.

Pumpkin carving